
A Comet's Soccer Game

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Sparkles and Sand


On the colorful playground, Malle laughed with her dad. Nearby, Salie, a curly redheaded girl, jumped excitedly. Suddenly, Comet Cutie flew in with a sparkling lavender body and twinkling eyes.

"Let's play soccer!" Comet Cutie beamed.

The others cheered, unaware of the playground's magical sandbox. It shimmered mysteriously.

Unexpected Twist


The game began! As Comet Cutie zoomed to kick the ball, it rolled into the sandbox. The ball jiggled and wobbled!

"What's happening?" Malle's dad wondered.

Salie exclaimed, "We need to see this!"

They gathered around, watching the ball float up and then glide down like magic.

"We must catch it!" Comet Cutie said, excitement sparkling in her eyes.